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If you are in the South of Spain, you must join one of these tours! 🙂
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I’m also introduced to Kim’s favorite Spanish chain restaurant and, to put it mildly, it BLOWS MY MIND!!! 😀
Sometimes I wonder why I ever spent time on those two islands above Europe…
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Then I meet the right girl at the right time and, well, I make a leap of faith and fly to Spain to hopefully meetup with her for some more travels…
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I will never eat this crap again!
Got any vampires coming over for dinner? Want to make your girlfriend feel better about her high-flow day? Making a zombie movie?
Well, I’ve got just the thing for you! Check out Finland’s finest blood…
Did you know that Bavarian is an actual language separate from German?! I had lived in Germany for over a year and traveled the country extensively and I didn’t even know it until I landed in a small town in Bavaria, south of Munich.
Now, let’s talk about the barbarian language of Germany… 🙂
So let’s talk about the magical epiphanies that happen when you have just arrived at a hostel and immediately find some good drinking buddies. Â Well, one common epiphany is how to solve the world’s problems, generally cracking the puzzle of world peace only to forget the solution the next morning.
But, but, sometimes you find out much more interesting pieces of information.  And, one dark and dreary night in Dublin, Ireland, I, along with my new friend ‘poupée’ (this shall protect her lovely self from all you creepers out there – plus I might have forgotten her real name lol) found out the secret of which beverage it is that Shrek, the almighty ogre, consumes after a long hard day in the swamp.
Find out below…
I found this piece of chocolate in some store somewhere here in Europe. I think that this must have come from a magic shop Continue reading »