My worst hostel experience. This was also the first time I ever stayed in a hostel and I can’t believe I stayed in another one after this experience.
What’s your worst hostel or hotel experience? Tell me in the comments!
My worst hostel experience. This was also the first time I ever stayed in a hostel and I can’t believe I stayed in another one after this experience.
What’s your worst hostel or hotel experience? Tell me in the comments!
The gate to the arena, or coliseum, in Pamplona has just slammed shut. I can not leave. What would happen in the next 45 minutes or so is what would make San Fermin and the Running of the Bulls such a terrifying experience.
This is when they let bulls run through the arena, with all of us runners stuck in the middle…
I ran with the bulls in Pamplona in 2013. It was INSANE, INSANE, and did I mention INSANE! First and foremost I want to say that I decided to do the running of the bulls without learning much about the event beforehand. This was a mistake; or, maybe it was a good idea since I don’t think I would have done this had I known exactly what happened before I went.
Now, let’s talk about what the Running of the Bulls is really like!