It’s Friday so from wherever I am today in Europe, I say to you, Enjoy Yourself! 🙂
Amsterdam is one damn beautiful city and I am not talking about the whores! When you walk through this city you realize that boobs and weed are the least impressive things to be experienced here. To be frank, I have not experienced a city quite like this except for Bruges, but certainly not on this scale.
Finland, the last foreign country in which I lived, has country-wide internet censorship; just like China; just like North Korea; just like Great Britain… As an American this is most troubling. Here, I’ll discuss my thoughts on censorship and my experience with it.
No more mooovies, no more boobies, no more internet…
Let’s talk about Travel Liars! This is more like a method of story-telling rather than a type of person, but it boils down to the fact that you can make any city, any experience, any crappy street or dilapidated house look cool and seem amazing.
I will try to keep this article short (impossible for me haha) and stick to the point, which is to discuss what is better, the truth or total B.S. or something in-between, and then explain how I approach talking about my travels.
Let’s get ready to rumble…
Here, I’ll talk about how I ended up not knowing that I was going on a date until it was too late, after I had come back from living in Germany for a year.
It’s funny how Europe often seems to be so similar to the U.S. on the surface, albeit with a literally different surface full of crazy old buildings and boring new ones, but the real differences, the real contrasts, are really in the small details.