If you are near Madrid, you must make a stop in Toledo!
If you are near Madrid, you must make a stop in Toledo!
I’m also introduced to Kim’s favorite Spanish chain restaurant and, to put it mildly, it BLOWS MY MIND!!! 😀
Sometimes I wonder why I ever spent time on those two islands above Europe…
Then I meet the right girl at the right time and, well, I make a leap of faith and fly to Spain to hopefully meetup with her for some more travels…
Follow me through the snake exhibition, the fair, a parade, and of course a big big party night in Dublin 🙂
Tell me what you think!
There is fire, music, dancing, and lots and lots of whiskey!
(also I’ll give a tour of the city 😉 )
Tell me what you think!
I will never eat this crap again!
This is a little update on my situation and how things are going and where I will be going and what I will be doing. Get ready for the next round of adventures 😉
Tell me what you think!