Oct 162012

Sorry for the delay in posting everything folks.  I have not been able to get secure and reliable internet over here to the point that I am able to update this site, until now.  I will try to arrange it so I have secure internet every day and that means that I can post more […]

Aug 152012
This ain't America - Female Trash'men'

How many times in the U.S. have you seen a female “waste management specialist” or just a trashman?  I mean, I’ve never even heard the word trashwoman let alone seen a woman driving the truck or hauling the bags.  Now, that’s not to say that they don’t exist; I’m sure you could find one or […]

Aug 122012
Getting Around Germany - Trains

Like most western European countries, Germany has a great rail transportation system.  Though expensive (unless you are a student), traveling by train is convenient, safe, and comfortable.  And best of all, THEY ARE ON TIME.  Hear that America?  It’s possible to run a train/transportation service that is on time!  Now, let’s explore some of the […]

Aug 112012
Tour Rome – Overview of What to See and How to Do It

Rome is big, old, cobblestoney and BIG.  However, it is very doable to cover the city on a walking tour and, to boot, you will get lots of exercise and soak-in all the beauty that Rome has to offer.  You should spend at least a few days there to cover the main sites.  So, let […]

Jul 122012

Familiarity is not a justifiable reason for going to a coffeehouse.  You go for good coffee and ambiance.  Occasionally, good food enters into the mix.  Most coffeehouses in Vienna are modern and lacking in character, hence the popularity of Starbucks, especially among the young and university crowd. There are only a few of the traditional […]