May 022013
An Amazing Series of Events Leading up to a Great Time - An American Play in Dublin

I’m sitting in a theatre in Dublin, Ireland next to a beautiful girl from Brittany, France watching a theatre production developed and performed by American university students.  The lights are dim, the seats are raised above the stage, the wine and food are plentiful, and there is even a free wine reception after the play. […]

Apr 082013
[Hostel Shenanigans] - Courting a Spanish Girl... ;P

I am a real person and not just a boring ‘travel-writer-person’ and so I’ve decided that I’m going to start sharing some of the real-life aspects of traveling and living in hostels abroad. 🙂 This is what happens when you try to court a girl from Spain!!!  This is actually just part of a hilarious and […]

Apr 062013
Travel Between Dublin and London on the Cheap (Ferry+Train or Bus or Plane)

The other day I decided that I wanted to drop by London for a week or two; it is such a nice luxury to be able to do this.  But, if you are in Dublin, Ireland, it is really no luxury at all.  There are a number of ways to get to London from Dublin […]

Mar 312013
Ireland goes dry - No Beer on Good Friday in Dublin!!!

Everyone thinks that Ireland is going to be a place where the rivers flow with beer and the girls all have red hair.  Let’s address the first part of this.  In Ireland, specifically Dublin since that is where I am currently, beer does not flow freely from the tap.  It is expensive!!!  Read: the beer […]