Sep 072013
What does Shrek Drink? - Find Out Below!

So let’s talk about the magical epiphanies that happen when you have just arrived at a hostel and immediately find some good drinking buddies.  Well, one common epiphany is how to solve the world’s problems, generally cracking the puzzle of world peace only to forget the solution the next morning. But, but, sometimes you find […]

Sep 042013
Running with the Bulls in Pamplona 2013 - Most Terrifying Experience of My Life - Part 2

The gate to the arena, or coliseum, in Pamplona has just slammed shut.  I can not leave.  What would happen in the next 45 minutes or so is what would make San Fermin and the Running of the Bulls such a terrifying experience. This is when they let bulls run through the arena, with all […]

Aug 292013
Running with the Bulls in Pamplona 2013 - Most Terrifying Experience of My Life - Part 1

  I ran with the bulls in Pamplona in 2013.  It was INSANE, INSANE, and did I mention INSANE!  First and foremost I want to say that I decided to do the running of the bulls without learning much about the event beforehand.  This was a mistake; or, maybe it was a good idea since […]

Aug 272013
[Gallery] La Sagrada Familia - Coolest Church in the World?

This is one of the, if not the, coolest looking and most interesting churches that I have ever in my life seen.  The main reason for this is that no other church in the world looks like this one.  It is a unique gem that stands out from the traditional styles used to build and […]

Jul 262013
Pizza - There is an EGG on my Pizza!!!

As someone from this planet, I have had Pizza, a lot of Pizza, in my lifetime.  I have had, thin crust, pan, deep dish, and a million different toppings.  I’ve had it in Italy from Venice and Florence to Naples.  I’ve had everything from pineapple to tuna fish to all kinds of disgusting creations on […]

Jul 222013
Salzburg, Austria – Beautiful, Charming, Cozy, Perfect

I am just now leaving Salzburg, Austria and heading on a high-speed train to Munich (Munchen), Germany.  My impression of Salzburg was nothing if not amazing.  It is a small city with a well-centered altstadt (old part of the city) that makes you feel like you are in some sort of Harry Potter or similarly […]