Oct 142013
[Gallery] Split, Croatia - Beaches, Mt. Marjan, and Panoramas :)

Part 2 of my Split, Croatia photos.  This includes photos of the beaches in Split, the mountains, Mt. Marjan, Panoramic photos of the city with mountains in the background, and more! I spent 6 to 8 days in Split, Croatia and took about a million photos.  Here, I want to show you some of those […]

Oct 062013

You may have noticed that I haven’t posted here in a while.  But, I am not dead!  You should also be checking my Facebook and YouTube pages!!! https://www.facebook.com/madmanblog https://www.youtube.com/madmanblog   But, I’m sure you’ve been doing that too ;). I have been updating my videos a lot more recently and that takes a lot of […]

Sep 182013
I See Dead People - Crazy Cigarette Packages in Europe - Collect em' All!

In Europe they have such crazy and interesting cigarette packages.  There, they are really trying to scare people away from smoking, but, in reality, it has the effect of people showing off the new packages to their friends to see which ones they got, kind of like when you used to display your baseball or […]