May 252014
Why A Lover Should be Good but Never Great

I’d like to talk about something that affects me, especially as a traveler. Though, don’t expect any racy photos, just a bit about life, love, and lovers.

As a traveler, I find myself almost comically alone. I say that because, though I may meet 10, 20, or even more people every day that I am actively traveling, I am still perpetually alone. This is why a lover can be so important and have such an impact on a traveler’s life.

May 192014

I’m on my way back to Paris for some more action!  It seems like I just can’t have a ‘normal’ experience there; or, maybe, this is the normal Parisian experience…

I go for a wonderful Parisian type breakfast, not just a croissant and coffee, the best ice cream/gelato that I have ever had, a Parisian dinner party, and craziness at the Eiffel Tower.

Let me know what you think! 🙂

May 132014
Photo of the Week - Bliss in Bruges

Walking through the old streets of Bruges, Belgium, avoiding the horses and the clamor of the noisy tourists and old people who have to yell to understand each other, I stumbled upon this courtyard inside of an old convent. The moment that you enter this place, everything goes quiet and you feel as though you […]

May 092014
Photo of the Week - Bombed-out Church in Bosnia

Late but still here 🙂 This photo is of a bombed-out church that I explored while I was in Bosnia. It’s on top of a giant hill/mountain and from there you could also see old fortifications on the top of each neighboring mountain/giant hill. This is recent history and we should never forget just how […]

May 012014
Cheap Accommodation in Europe

I’ll show you the cheapest and also the best types of accommodation given your travel needs throughout Europe. This includes the websites where you can book the accommodations and how to choose between the different types of accommodations, as well as how I make this decision.

Apr 262014
[Gallery] - Bled, Slovenia - Such a Beauty :)

Bled is a wonderful and beautiful jewel in the country of Slovenia. Come in fall and you will see beautiful colors with a backdrop of the Julian Alps. Come in summer and you can swim in the lake and do all sorts of outdoors activities in the surrounding country side. This is definitely somewhere I will visit again!