I lived in Dublin for more than 3 months so take that into account before you want to argue about what I say in this video.
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I lived in Dublin for more than 3 months so take that into account before you want to argue about what I say in this video.
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Follow me through the snake exhibition, the fair, a parade, and of course a big big party night in Dublin
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Tell me what you think!
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The U.K. is notorious for having the most difficult border crossing in Europe. The border agents for the U.K. are the strictest, most annoying, and down-right ridiculous immigration control people of any country that I have been to in Europe.
I have had to endure questioning from these dolts so many times that I can’t even count; but, through this process, I have learned what they want to hear and what they don’t want to hear.
Below, I will share my experiences with you and tell you how to get through the U.K. immigration control.
This also works exactly the same for Ireland. Anywhere you read “U.K.” in this article, you can also read it as “U.K. and Ireland.”
I’m sitting in a theatre in Dublin, Ireland next to a beautiful girl from Brittany, France watching a theatre production developed and performed by American university students. The lights are dim, the seats are raised above the stage, the wine and food are plentiful, and there is even a free wine reception after the play.
This is going to be a great night and I can’t help but think about the fact that I never could have imagined that I would be here doing this. Every once in a while I try to stop living in the moment and to take a step back and reflect upon the amazing series of events that have led to this moment and the unlikely connections that have caused my current situation to come about. Basically, it’s about not taking my current situation for granted and realizing just how lucking I am to be doing what I am doing.
I am a real person and not just a boring ‘travel-writer-person’ and so I’ve decided that I’m going to start sharing some of the real-life aspects of traveling and living in hostels abroad.
This is what happens when you try to court a girl from Spain!!! This is actually just part of a hilarious and awesome night in Dublin. When it gets really late and you are just hanging out in the hostel, funny things tend to happen. I like to call this kind of thing “Hostel Shenanigans.” (warning: no courting actually happened ;P) This is just a really funny girl that decided it was time to attack hahaha.
Click through to see the photos…
The other day I decided that I wanted to drop by London for a week or two; it is such a nice luxury to be able to do this. But, if you are in Dublin, Ireland, it is really no luxury at all. There are a number of ways to get to London from Dublin and they don’t cost much at all.
I will talk about how I took the ferry and train to get to London from Dublin and then I’ll cover the other two typical ways to make this journey. As well, I will give you links to all of the websites needed to book your tickets and get more information. Aren’t I nice
Everyone thinks that Ireland is going to be a place where the rivers flow with beer and the girls all have red hair. Let’s address the first part of this. In Ireland, specifically Dublin since that is where I am currently, beer does not flow freely from the tap. It is expensive!!! Read: the beer in Ireland is EXPENSIVE. And, there are rules for the consumption of alcohol here! RULES haha. For instance, alcohol can not be sold in stores after 10pm. This is normal for most places in the west, but it came as a shock to me considering Ireland is known for its drinking culture.
But, back to the point of this article. Good Friday.