
Sep 072013

So let’s talk about the magical epiphanies that happen when you have just arrived at a hostel and immediately find some good drinking buddies.  Well, one common epiphany is how to solve the world’s problems, generally cracking the puzzle of world peace only to forget the solution the next morning.

But, but, sometimes you find out much more interesting pieces of information.  And, one dark and dreary night in Dublin, Ireland, I, along with my new friend ‘poupée’ (this shall protect her lovely self from all you creepers out there – plus I might have forgotten her real name lol) found out the secret of which beverage it is that Shrek, the almighty ogre, consumes after a long hard day in the swamp.

Find out below…

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Sep 062013

Warsaw, Poland, as it turns out, is a really cool city.  It has a very modern side to it with tall glass-lined buildings as well as a restored and improved old-town that was rebuilt after World War II.  In addition, the city is much less expensive than basically everywhere west of it in Europe, and this makes for a nice break from the wallet-busting cities further west.

Below is a gallery of highlights from the city.  Hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Sep 042013
Bull Run Pamplona

Bull Run Pamplona

The gate to the arena, or coliseum, in Pamplona has just slammed shut.  I can not leave.  What would happen in the next 45 minutes or so is what would make San Fermin and the Running of the Bulls such a terrifying experience.

This is when they let bulls run through the arena, with all of us runners stuck in the middle…

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Aug 292013


Me preparing to run with the bulls in Pamplona 2013

Me preparing to run with the bulls in Pamplona 2013

I ran with the bulls in Pamplona in 2013.  It was INSANE, INSANE, and did I mention INSANE!  First and foremost I want to say that I decided to do the running of the bulls without learning much about the event beforehand.  This was a mistake; or, maybe it was a good idea since I don’t think I would have done this had I known exactly what happened before I went.

Now, let’s talk about what the Running of the Bulls is really like!

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Aug 272013

This is one of the, if not the, coolest looking and most interesting churches that I have ever in my life seen.  The main reason for this is that no other church in the world looks like this one.  It is a unique gem that stands out from the traditional styles used to build and design churches.  I took a lot of photos of this church, but here are some of my favorites. Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading »

Aug 162013
Me and Danielle

Me and Danielle

“The people that you meet define the experiences that you have.”  This is the most important thing that I have learned while traveling and it has grown to define the way that I think about life.

I came up with this quote after meeting a really crazy person in a hostel in Paris (not the girl in the photo – that is from St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin); and, I now believe that this is such an important concept that I am going to devote a section of this website to the description of the people that I meet and the experiences that follow.

Let me explain what I mean.

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Jul 262013

As someone from this planet, I have had Pizza, a lot of Pizza, in my lifetime.  I have had, thin crust, pan, deep dish, and a million different toppings.  I’ve had it in Italy from Venice and Florence to Naples.  I’ve had everything from pineapple to tuna fish to all kinds of disgusting creations on my pizza, even desert pizza (kind of like pizza from heaven).  But, in Bled, Slovenia, I had my first pizza with an egg on it…

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Jul 222013

I am just now leaving Salzburg, Austria and heading on a high-speed train to Munich (Munchen), Germany.  My impression of Salzburg was nothing if not amazing.  It is a small city with a well-centered altstadt (old part of the city) that makes you feel like you are in some sort of Harry Potter or similarly magical film.  The streets are filled with ‘hidden’ alleyways that link to other streets and the old-world charm of cobblestones, wrought iron, and horse carriages brings the city to life.


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