Feb 132013

This is the first part of a 6 part series where I tell you what you should do with 6 days in Paris.  Each post will have a “What you should do:” section and a “What I am doing:” section. I have been to Paris many times and I think it will be interesting to share with you what I’m actually doing (and maybe why) and what a first-time visitor might want to do.

So, let us begin.

There is A LOT to do in Paris and you do not want to exhaust yourself before you have even begun.

You are probably jet-lagged or otherwise tired, exhausted, or operating on a broken internal clock.  So, get some food, take a hot shower, and get some rest.  You have some big days ahead of you.

What you should do:

Get some rest.

What I am doing:

I am getting some major rest man.  I am sick and sick and sick.  What the f*** is going on?  I finally got out of a hostel and am staying in a nice quiet apartment in Paris with my own bed and no one to disturb me or wake me.  This combined with lots of antibiotics and such should cure me quickly.

I tried getting better in my hostel in Dublin, but it is just so hard to get a good rest at night or during the day.  Treating myself to an apartment (oh yea and it has a nice big bathtub in which to relax 🙂 ) should help do the trick.


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  One Response to “6 Days in Paris – Day 1: Rest”

  1. Your blog is great as it shows people how to travel around Paris in detailed met fashion. Which subway n exit etc! Thanks for sharing

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